However difficult life may
seem, there is
always something
you can do, and succeed at.
It matters that you don’t just give up.
- Stephen Hawking
Early Life
- 8 January 1942

Stephen William Hawking was
born in Oxford, United Kingdom.

He was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author.

Primary Schooling at the Byron House School in Highgate, London.

He also attended St Albans High School for Girls for a few months at the age of 8.

- September 1952

Secondary schooling at first at Radlett School Hertfordshire.

Attended the two private schools for completing secondary education

Early Life
- September 1952

Secondary schooling at first at St Albans School Hertfordshire.

Attended the two private schools for completing secondary education.

- October 1959

Completed bachelor's degree in physics from University College, Oxford.

Applied mathematics and theoretical physics, specializing in general relativity and cosmology.

- September 1962

Doctorate in physics from Trinity Hall, Cambridge.

Despite his father's wish for him to study medicine, Hawking opted for physics and chemistry.


Universe That Has No Space-Time Boundaries

He believed that you can’t have time or space before the Big Bang. As a result, this proved that the universe has no space-time boundaries.

Black Hole Radiation

A black hole is a collapsed star that has zero volume and infinite mass and are believed to be very dense and nothing could escape once it has passed through them. Hawking postulated the existence of radiation that emits through a black hole.

Possibility of Extraterrestrial Life

he strongly believed that the Earth had already been visited by extraterrestrial life. Now, that life was in the form of viruses or bacteria that Hawking enjoyed imagining.


The Big Bang Theory

describes how the whole universe expanded from an initial state to high density. On the other hand, the hypothesis in this theory states that all the matter in this universe came into existence at the same time. Now, the estimation of that could be 13.8 billion years ago.

- 1988

The Origination of Universe ( The Theory of Everything )

This theory explains that the whole universe started infinitely small and, over the years, that small unit became a larger density and he called it a singularity.

- 1982

Cosmic Inflation Theory

Physical cosmology, cosmological inflation, and inflation are all a theory of the exponential expansion of space in the early universe. Cosmic inflation is the concept of faster-than-light expansion that spawned many others in this universe.